Monday, 29 October 2012

Benefit For Apnea Monitor using Stretch sensor

Based on the objective on this project, we will propose method to using stretch sensor to apply them for this project. Actually this project also use as backup apnea monitor and has benefit to families have Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) of their babies.

 It because apnea project design have a lot of advantage and easier to use compare with machine in hospital. This project not measure respiratory rate or heart rate, it only detect contraction movement of chest baby. Besides that,  it just simple project compare with machine before this .

Based on normal apnea project ,that machine have more parameter to check such as heart rate, oxygen level, and respiratory rate. Besides that, placing multiple leads and tape on their skin can lead to further damage, such as a rash or even a burn from the tape being repetitively pulled off and put back on. So it’s very difficult for the parent have not bravery to treat their baby. But, for this project only need stretch sensor, because this apnea monitor only prevent apnea by detect contraction movement of baby chest Therefore this machine will easier to use and not causes pain of baby skin.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Objective for my project...

 The main objective of this project is to monitor and help the baby breathing again when apnea (stop breathing) happens. Besides that, there have other objectives which are related each other as shown as below:

  • -          The project is proposed to monitor the breathing’s baby by using stretch sensor to detect the contraction movement of baby chest.

  • -          This project to propose to help baby breath again by using vibration motor while we put in belt around the chest baby.

  • -          The project is also proposed to assist the parents for monitor their baby when the alarm is on.

  • -          To promote greater compliance in using prescribed Home Apnea Monitor using Stretch Sensor among families with a medically at risk infant.

  • -          To create cheaper cost and user friendly infant apnea monitor compare to the monitor that used in hospital.

Monday, 15 October 2012

 For more understand, I  also design the schematic design to show overview for my project.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Block Diagram of Home Apnea Monitor

Explanation of Block Diagram

The block diagram above is the overall system of the Home Apnea Monitor using Stretch sensor. This project control by PIC  microcontroller program. According to the block diagram, this project has built by two sections. The first section is master controller and master device. The second section is called Apnea belt, which is include stretch sensor and vibration motor.

If stretch sensor have no contraction happened, signal will send to PIC microcontroller. Counter will start to count from 0 to 20 second. If system has received below than 15 second, the system will be cut off the signal from stretch sensor. If systems have received more than 15 second, buzzer and vibration motor will be ON. When the baby breathing back to normal, the buzzer and vibration motor will be reset by programming system.

Monday, 1 October 2012


 This some research about the previous and current work.

  (Previous work)                                                                               

 (Current work)