Tuesday, 23 April 2013

(WEEK 9) Create Program software

This project have counter to counting when the apnea episode happened and about the limitation of stretch sensor, we can take the average value of contraction to program in PIC microcontroller program. The first thing need to be there before start to program is list down the all the instruction and should be known function of each input devices to generate the output devices. Every function of input devices will be declared on the programming. Hardware and software should be combined between interfacing controller to getting the final output. 

  1. -Proteus Software
  2. -Mplab
  3. -Pickit 2

This three software is very important to use or doing simulation. It related each other. To do simulation for circuit and programming, we use proteus software. For command or programming we use mplab software ant tu burn into pic  we use software pic kit.

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