Tuesday, 23 April 2013

(WEEK 12) Result of Project

According to this project, the result will display in two condition. first condition is "baby in a good condition"  , second is " warning!! please looking the baby". The result will display depend on the Stretch Sensor signal. when the expansion and contraction occur, that mean the baby in a good condition. but if no expansion and contraction occur within 0-15 sec, the Stretch Sensor will send the signal to Pin A1 at microcontroller. By the way when the Pin A1 received the 5V, all output will be turn ON , such as buzzer, vibration motor, and LCD display based on the programmed.

This figure show the process of Apnea Monitor. This picture include the apnea belt , connector wire and master control divice. After all devices has connected, put the apnea belt around the baby chest. 

 This figure shown the result of LCD when the baby was breathing . (Expansion sensor)

This figure shown the result of LCD when the baby was stop  breathing. (no  expansion  occur)

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